Thinking Cafe. Where curious minds meet.

What is in the menu today?


Visit the Cafe

A fun thinking game, speed chat sessions, and a takeaway lesson.

Join us to exercise your creative and critical skills and meet other thinkers in a relaxed environment.

Each event a new activity.

Grab the Playbook

Weekly tips about research, knowledge management, and sensemaking direct to your Inbox. Join 900+ readers of the weekly Prolific Researcher Playbook to enjoy while sipping your coffee.


Be a Researcher

Learn all the very basics to be a researcher, today.

Introduction to Linked Knowledge

Learn the basics of linked-based note-taking.

What are links, backlinks and Maps of Content? How can you start managing your ideas and not your documents? Which tool should you be using?

Retrieve your references in 1 click

A researcher may spend as much as 20 minutes looking for a reference to a source that they KNOW they have read.

This 15-page step-by-step guide to teach you how to save hours when adding references to your research paper.

Main Course

Knowledge Management for Research

Accelerate your research-based writing in this 5-month mentorship to help you build your low-friction workflow to capture, organise, and grow your ideas into research-based content.

The Scrintal Course

Learn all about Scrintal in this self-paced course.

Make sense of your knowledge as you would in real life. Spread your notes around in a board, group them, link them, but go beyond. Access your notes anywhere, collaborate with your team, and connect ideas across the board. You can do all that and more with the Scrintal app. 


Become a Research Patron

In this programme I invite you to follow along my research journey and learn about the backstage processes of real research.

Choose your tier and get access to video walkthroughs, exclusive Q&A, or a 1:1 meeting.

What our patrons say?

  • "I was working today on a paper draft I did a few months ago before the cohort and my notes then weren’t helpful, but I have spent an hour or so turning what I had into atomic notes and linking ideas, and it’s been awesome, I had so much done that I did not know! Also I seem to understand everything much better now that I’ve done it this way."

    Raquel Gonzalez

    Raquel Gonzalez

    PhD candidate in Plant Biodiversity

  • "I started my PKM journey backwards when my intention was to get to the heart of processing research for output using modern day tools and technologies. But I dove head first into the the tools and technologies that enable PKM. Bianca was paramount in closing the loop for me… finally! She’s packaged academic research skills in a format that’s accessible for amateur researchers to make meaningful contributions and create real impact in any endeavour."


    Chief Marketing Officer and Founder

  • "I did some research before and studied history at university but it was the first time I encountered a course and someone who explains so clearly basic concepts of research like idea management and how to read a source. In less than five minutes I understood something that in 5 years of study I didn’t. The course is great, for researcher and for all kind of people, because everybody should know how to read a source, how to use critical thinking, it is such an important skill. I will surely use everything I learn in this course in future projects that are not necessarily research related. I know feel more confident to write articles and how to use source and literature to do so."

    Adeline Barnault

    Cultural Mediator

  • "I have been exploring various approaches to personal knowledge management for several years, to support my research and writing. Bianca is an excellent teacher with the ability to introduce concepts incrementally and clearly--with a lovely, gentle sense of humor. I also enjoyed connecting with the other participants, who were an interesting and diverse bunch of generous, thoughtful folks--some of us will be remaining in contact with each other. I now have a number of new tools that will help manage the overwhelm of working on complex projects." 

    Deborah Robson

    Deborah Robson

    Writer and Workshop Instructor

  • "This course helped me to cut the clutter about PKMs in my brain and present the core principles in a very useful and implementable way. Having someone experienced guiding through examples is always helpful. Also Bianca’s style of presentation is very warm, welcoming and informal creating a very comfortable learning environment for everyone

    I can see that in the future my PKM potentially can finally be a help rather than a hinderance.” 

    Shashwat Tiwari

    Shashwat Tiwari


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